About Me

Frank Claassen

Hello, I'm Frank Claassen

I’m an internet and affiliate marketing blogger who’s passionate about lifestyle and traveling.
My life motto is: “The #1 investment you can make is in yourself”.
When I’m not busy behind my computer or traveling you’ll find me working out in the gym or walking outside enjoying the views.
And when I need to unwind, you’ll find me relaxing with a glass of wine while watching Netflix.

Frank Claassen

Biography Timeline

2023: Started to Revamp my Websites

My website design on both websites was out of date and it was time to change the style to a more modern look. Deleted outdated posts and writing new ones but first the design which is taking me longer then expected.

2017: Started my Second Website

Here is when I started my second blog, but this time in the health and Fitness niche. I've been neglecting this blog for some time now and need to get things going again.

2011: Started my Online Adventure

This is when I started getting interested in this online business. I started this blog at the same time and started writing about my online adventures.

1975 - 2007: Joined The Navy To See The World

During these 32 years I've sailed quite a lot and visited numerous countries. I also was stationed on Curaçao and Aruba for a combined time of nearly 8 years.

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