Partnership To Success – My Journey – Week 5

This is week 5 of the Partnership To Success program and my blog is starting to look like a blog.

I should be posting more content than just my progress reports but I find it difficult to find subjects to write about.

I will have to get myself more focused on writing content for my blog as this will generate traffic which is the lifeblood of every blog.

This week I went further where I  left off last week and that was preparing my blog to capture leads.  This is just another way of saying that I will be trying to get people to sign up with their email addresses to receive a free gift and at the same time build my list.

There are two ways I will be doing list building and that is by adding a signup form on my blog and by configuring a “pop over” that a visitor will see after a few seconds.

This “pop over” is big enough to fill the screen so that a visitor has two choices. He or she can decide to sign up for the free gift or click it away.

To do this I had to create a new list in my Autoresponder (Aweber) first after which I went ahead to create the popover in the web form section of Aweber.

At first, I thought that it would be more difficult to do but it was, in fact, quite easy to do using the step-by-step videos which came in this week’s session.

After I had installed everything, it was time to test it and see if everything worked correctly. I did this by going to my blog and about 3 seconds later the “pop over” appeared and I signed up and was redirected to the free report and the free training video.

This part worked as it was supposed to do. I signed in to my Aweber account and saw that my list had just received a new subscriber.

The next part was to add messages to my follow-up sequence in Aweber so that the people who signed up would start receiving a series of emails.

I had written 7 emails and programmed them so that the first email would be received instantly and the second email a day later.

The other 5 emails would be sent out every two days which I will be testing to see if I receive these emails accordingly.

That’s it for this week. Next week is going to be about generating traffic to your blog which I still find the hardest part to do.

Follow me on my journey in the Partnership To Success program and check out my blog regularly for new posts.  If you like what you read, please share the content with your friends by using the social links to your left.

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2 thoughts on “Partnership To Success – My Journey – Week 5”

  1. Hey Frank,

    Noel here from Partnership – I have to say you’re blog is looking fantastic! You did a real nice job putting it together.

    Hope you’re enjoying John’s training. I’ve been in it for a while and I couldn’t say anything but good things about it.

    All the Best,


    1. Hey Noel,

      Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog.
      I´m enjoying the Partnership To Success program very much and I´m looking forward
      to creating my first product.
      I do believe that with John’s guidance we all will succeed in what we are doing.

      Have a nice day,


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