Partnership To Success – My Journey – Week 15 to 16

Week 15 of the Partnership to Success program is about how to use audio in your products. There was a detailed introduction to using audio and why we should consider using audio.

Before we can use audio we need software to record our voice. We can use Skype to record audio but we’ll need an additional piece of software to work with Skype to record audio.  This additional software is called Pamela and is not free. At this point, I have not purchased it because I feel I don’t need it right now.  Maybe when I’m more advanced I might consider buying it.

The next software product was called Audacity and is free. I like this software program and have been experimenting using it. It’s easy to use but for someone who doesn’t understand how audio works, it can be challenging. 

For simple audio recordings, it works great, and will be using it for audio recordings, but first need to buy a better microphone.

Week 16 is about trying to finish your product. Well, that is something that’s not going to happen in my case and probably will start to slow down in following these lessons. It doesn’t make sense to go further unless you have completed your product.

I’m in the middle of creating my first product which is quite time-consuming and I’m still adding more content as the product grows bigger and bigger. I still have to start making my first videos but I want to complete the eBook first before creating videos.

As the new lessons come in I will go and watch the videos but implementing what I’ve seen will have to wait until I catch up.  There are just so many hours in a day that I can work on my product and the starting time seems to fly.

At the time of writing this post, I’m in week 21 of the program, because I haven’t completed my product yet, which will take some more time; I will be staying in week 16.

Once I’ve completed the next step I will start writing about my progress again or I will write about my progress with my product.

 That’s it for this week.

 Follow me on my journey in the Partnership to Success program and check out my blog regularly for new posts.  If you like what you read, please share the content with your friends by using the social links to your left


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7 thoughts on “Partnership To Success – My Journey – Week 15 to 16”

  1. Hi Frank,

    How are you finding the partner program? Are you still enjoying it? I also have John as a Mentor but only in the Inner Circle. I look forward to finding out more about the new product that you’re working on.

    I’m concentrating on building a list first of all before I create a product.

    If you have John backing you when you release your first product you can’t fail.


    1. Hi Mark,

      I’m loving the Partner to success program and learning a lot. At the moment creating myb first product and that’s why I haven’t been updating my blog with my weekly updates. Very soon I will be starting creating my membership site that comes with the product.

      As english is my second language, I have to check and double check for grammar and spelling mistakes and when the ebook is finished have someome proofread it. I will probably outsource the creation of the sales page because this is something I’m not good at and it will cost me too much time to create.

      Having John backing me up when launching my product is a guarantee that I will make sales and maybe make a profit. Time will tell

      – Frank

  2. Hey frank,

    Audio can be challenging for sure but once you get a hand on the basic principles its relatively easy. If you have any issues just let me know, i am an Audio professional and will help you any way i can.

    Creating your first product can be daunting too but if i have learned anything in the past 4 years of my IM adventure its that you MUST get something out there otherwise there is no point, so concentrate on that happening before moving on.

    I am here to help you anyway i can,

    all the best,


    1. Hi Patrick,

      It will slow a bit once getting started with your product. I’m in week 40 now but due to some personal issues haven’t completed my first product yet so I’m a bit behind schedule which I hope to catch up with in the new year..

      Wish you success with PTS


  3. Hey Frank, I have been tracking down John Thornhill’s students and I think you are the one who has blogged more about their progress.

    What happened in the end, were you able to finish your product?

    Thanks in advance!

    Sergio Felix

    1. Hey Sergio,
      It’s been still around me the last 3 months due to some personal and family issues. I’ve started my product and already half way through in finishing it. I hope to finish it in the next three months. I will be blogging about my progress again soon.

      In the meantime I’m also house hunting and selling my apartment at the moment. I hope that this doesn’t interfere with my progress.

      Thanks for the comment

      – Frank

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