Partnership To Success – My Journey – Week 2

The first week of the Partnership To Success program was relatively easy for me because I already had a blog set up and already had written a few posts.

The second week was all about installing a WordPress theme.

The theme that we will be installing was purchased by John Thornhill (developer’s license) which he gave us to install. The theme is called Flexibility 3.

I already had some experience in using this theme so it wasn’t too difficult for me.

After installing the theme we uploaded and installed a few WordPress plugins which John Thornhill recommended and installed our newly created header image.

The rest of this week’s videos were all about tweaking the WordPress theme to be used the way that we will benefit from it the most. I already had created an “About Me” page but decided to add more content about what I’ve been doing the last 18 months.

He recommended that we start publishing our first post so that we can get started to fill our blog with content. I already had some posts on my blog about my past journey in Internet Marketing and decided to create a new category.

This category which is called “Partnership To Success” will contain everything I do in this program, with a weekly update of my progress.

At the moment my blog will/might have some minor errors or layout problems. These problems will be corrected in the coming weeks as my blog continues to develop.

This week I will be exploring the possibilities of the theme and make some adjustments regarding colors.

Follow me on my journey in the Partnership To Success program and check out my blog regularly for new posts.  If you like what you read, please share the content with your friends by using the social links on the left…

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