Partnership To Success – My Journey – Week 6 &7

Because weeks 6 and 7 of the Partnership To Success program are quite short, I decided to combine these two weeks into one blog post.

Week 6 was all about installing a widget on a blog that enables anyone taking part in the Partnership To Success program to promote everyone else’s Partnership blog.

Doing this and being interactive by commenting on each other’s blogs is just a simple way of driving traffic to your blog and helping each other.

The widget had to be activated in order to work and this could only be done by sending an email to the support desk requesting that your website be added to the database.

Once added your website would be visible to others who also installed and activated the widget. Now it was time to start visiting each other’s websites and read and comment on their content.

Week 7 was all about advanced blogging and how one can add images and videos to a blog post.  Also, we were shown how to add content to the header and footer section of our blog when using the Flexibility 3 theme.

By adding banners to a  post one can create a way to earn some affiliate commissions but if you are using Google Adsense banners also, you should consider deactivating it.

Using both could be seen as overkill distracting the reader from the main purpose and that is to read your content.  I was advised to use it wisely.

Furthermore, the use of widgets was explained and where these widgets can be activated in WordPress.

The legal aspects when having a blog were explained and it was wise to add a page or links to a Privacy Policy and a Terms of Use.

I added these as links in my footer section but it could also have been added as a page in the navigation bar.

That’s it for this week. Next week is going to be very exciting because in the next lessons, we are going to start with product creation.    

Follow me on my journey in the Partnership To Success program and check out my blog regularly for new posts.  If you like what you read, please share the content with your friends by using the social links to your left.

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4 thoughts on “Partnership To Success – My Journey – Week 6 &7”

    1. Hi Rich,

      Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog. I still need to make some changes but I’m in no hurry.

      I’m very happy that I joined John’s Partnership To Success program and will be starting to create my first product
      with John in the next weeks to come.

      I wish you too all the best with the Partnership To Success Program

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